Assetly Group Schedule (Task Sample)

About this sample

The information below is about a task a user would need to complete in a fictitious software product, “Assetly.” I based Assetly on a real product I documented, though many details have changed in this document.

I wrote the original document in Madcap Flare based on my own use of the software.

During my use of the real product, I occasionally uncovered bugs or more complicated problems. When discovered, I created issue cards in the development team’s issue tracking system.

This sample reimagines the original document, now written in Markdown for use in this blog.

Links in the sample are blank cross references. In the original doc, they took the user to another part of the process.


The fictitious product name Assetly was generated at

The sample begins below the line.

Create a Group Work Assignment Schedule

  1. From Group Work Assignments, click New

  2. Make the following entries in Information:

    • Asset ID: Enter the asset record identifier for the Work Assignment


      Create a new asset record

    • Select one of the following Group Work Assignment status options:

      • Draft: not ready to use
      • Active: currently in use to create Work Assignments
      • Hold: temporarily not in use
      • Inactive: no longer in use
    • Starting Month: Enter the calendar month number for the next required Work Assignment

    For example, for January, enter 1.
    For July, enter 7.

    • End Date: Date after which Assetly sets the PM Group Schedule to Inactive status
  3. Make the following entries in Work Assignment Due On:

    • Day/Weekday of Month: Select to set the due date as either a particular day of the month (the fifteenth) or a particular weekday (first Friday of the month)
    • Day of the Month: Numerical day of the month work is due, or Last for Day of Month schedules
  4. For Weekday of Month schedules only, also complete the following in Work Assignment Due On:

    • On: Enter the week of the month for the work to be due for Weekday of Month schedules

      Valid entries are 1, 2, 3, 4, or Last

    • Weekday: Select the day of the week for work to be due

    For example, for work that should be completed on the 3rd Thursday of the month, enter 3 in On and select Thursday in Weekday.

  5. Select Save to save the group and exit


    Save & New to save the group and create a new group

  6. Create Work Group Detail to add the work tasks for the work assignments