
GitHub Tips and Tricks

GitHub Tips and Tricks

Daryl White
Credits: Photo credit: by Sara Kurfeß at Unsplash I started using Git and GitHub for docs in 2019. It’s been a slow build, but I’ve finally started to learn some helpful ways of going about things. So there are two GitHub specific tips I want to share with you that have helped me out in my day to day. Choose where a repo’s notifications go For the longest time, I just let all of my notifications go to whichever default email address I had defined.

Choosing a doc toolkit

Daryl White
I have spent the last year at my current job working on transitioning our docs from Madcap Flare to Antora. First things, Madcap Flare is a great tool. This is the third place I have worked that has used Flare for some form of documentation, and it does its job well. However, there are several factors that impacted the decision to move away from Flare to another tool. Flare is proprietary software that requires a not-insubstantial subscription license to use.